Hello to everyone who still doesn't know why you should be afraid of your dad. It's been years since the last scrolls came out, and people are still pounding them into holes, creating tons of mods and thousands of new saves every day. The same quests come when you know all the branches of dialogue by heart. And everyone wonders: where to find this perfect analogue, the perfect way to stretch a little more until the release of the next papers? And while old Howard stuffs his starships with potatoes, I'm ready to answer that question.
Today we will talk about Enderal: Forgotten Stories, this treasure has been passed over by a lot of Elder Scrolls fans, and that really surprises me. This is such a niche story in our country that all my acquaintances did not know about it until now. But what can I say, I myself learned about Enderal literally a year ago, although the project was released in 2016. In this article, I want to describe the world, the experience of getting to know this world, and I hope to draw the attention of readers to the extraordinary world Enderal. I'm already bringing you a nice crispy piece of meat🙃

Background of the project
To begin with, what is this Enderal: Forgotten Stories of yours at all? And then I caught up with an incomprehensible pathos in the introduction, but I still did not explain what it will be about, and what Enderal has to do with the scrolls. Exactly, because enderal is a global mod for The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim.
It is necessary to make such a big joke here, because to call it a global fashion will only turn the tongues of people who have never touched this masterpiece.
Here's the thing: on the one hand, it's a mod, yes. On the other hand, it is a full-fledged game with its own map, characters, high-quality voice acting, items, history, world and a huge lore, which leaves many questions and problems on English-speaking forums to this day. (ah yes, still a global mod). That is, in essence, the developers of Enderal made a full-fledged game, but they used the Skyrim engine for this, took the soil, the base, the foundation. And this should be taken into account. I would say that this is what makes this game so enjoyable and familiar in its own way.
Get this thesis right. It's not a mod, not a modpack, it's a full game made using some assets and game engine, but it's not Skyrim.
SureAI is the studio that gave us this little holiday. And the most interesting thing is that this is not their first project at all. What if I told you that since the days of Morrowind, in parallel with the Elder Scrolls, another parallel franchise developed with its own lore and a huge world, on the technical base "Terrace" games? So I was a little surprised. And these are not simple projects, but full-fledged games for dozens of hours of gameplay and exploration of the open world. And it was Enderal: Forgotten Stories that became the quintessence of everything SureAI learned during its existence.
Currently, the company no longer exists as a studio, some of the employees have moved to Bethesda, and others have stated that there will be no new projects with the continuation of this world.
Acquaintance with the plot
Well, let's start with the plot. Of course, no spoilers, I still want to give you new feelings, and not spoil all the fun.
I should note that there is a normal official 404 language translation here, but I do not recommend you to use it in any way.
Our story begins, ironically enough, with a ship. On which my friend and I sail to the distant shores of the continent of Enderal, to hide from the wars and destructions that permeate our native lands. Well, of course, like normal guys, we bypass the conductor and manage to sail for two months, eating the poor sailors. right here they let us play in the character editor.
A little about the character editor
It lacks stars from the sky here, but it is still different from what we saw in Skyrim. First of all, because our races are local, from this world. In all other aspects, it is a painfully familiar editor into which all hairstyles and colors have been dragged. However, the developers changed some facial features, which changes the appearance of the local population quite a lot.

We have a total of 4 to choose from: Half Aeterna, Half Arazean, Half Kylenian and Half Cyranian. Of course, the translation is free and created by me, because of course there is no information in Ukrainian from official sources, so excuse me. Each of these races is responsible for the basic level of certain skills. The race does not give any unique perks or skills, as in self-spinning machines. That is, the race here determines the initial build of the character.
Let's go back to history. As it often happens, our office is burned down by uniformed uncles, and no matter how hard you try to prove that you simply forgot your travel card, you still have to pay a fine of UAH 160. Well, we people are certainly not lordly, so we decide to erase the memory of our new friends through the oldest method of hypnosis (fist). But we are burned by some mysterious lady who wants to start a "cycle of events" and kills the conductors, and cuts us down with powerful spells-dreams.
We find ourselves on the deck, where our friend is made into a barbecue, and we are thrown overboard. This is how the captain of the ship decided to show mercy, leaving us to the will of the gods, with bandaged limbs, of course. Otherwise, it would be dishonest, of course.

Well, we and the hero are not easy. And after a small scene where the state of the world is explained to us, we are introduced to the course of lore and history, we are thrown onto the shore of the Enderal continent. Our hero feels very strange and realizes that his condition is getting worse. Well, I would probably also feel strange if I washed up on the shore half-dead, but that's not the problem. Our hero got the so-called "Magic Fever". In this world, it is the curse of all magicians, and if it is not treated, it will kill you quickly. This if very simplified and short. GG realizes that something needs to be done, because he doesn't really want to die twice a day, and begins his path of adventure.
Later, we learn that there have been frequent bouts of red madness on Enderal, and we will have to figure out its causes in the first act of the game.
Pumping system
As I mentioned above: Enderal is a completely new game, so the pumping system here is completely different, more classic. There are 5 branches of character leveling in the game. Access to them is obtained through the meditation menu, that is, we are literally transferred to the meditative semi-astral dimension, where we directly choose the perks we need when approaching the stone.

Three main and two auxiliary universal. In the first three, we see the standard division into three classes: warrior, pro-disciple, and mage. In the other two: a phasmolist and a werewolf. These additional branches can be used with any version of the build.
In Enderal, pumping happens in a different way. We will get experience for completing quests and killing mobs, like in New Vegas, for example. EXP accumulates a level, and each level we get a perk point. But here we do not need to have a sufficient amount of pumped-up skill to open the perk as in the scrolls. Here everything depends solely on your choice of branch, what you want - what you download.
However, leveling of tit skills is not cut, just very much modified. Now, in order to upgrade, for example, the skill of wielding a one-handed weapon, you need to read a book of the appropriate level. But learning points are also required for this.
In general, there are three types of points for leveling up a character. These are memory points - they are used to buy perks. Learning points – you can use them to read the skillbook and raise the level of skill knowledge. But crafting points, for them you can read crafting skill books (Kuznechka, potions and enchantment). For each level you get: 1 memory point, 5 learning points and 4 crafting points. This system allows you to pump the level of crafting and pumping the Persian in parallel, without worrying about the fact that the Persian will be pumped and the auto-leveling of enemies will simply level you to the ground, because the pumped-up enchantment per hundred will not give you the protection that the pumped-up armor gives you.

Well, if I have already mentioned auto-leveling, it should be added. He is completely absent from the word here. All enemies and dungeons are placed and created by hand, or at least under the watchful eye of developer feedback, making the world truly unique. Each quest here has a level of difficulty, which is indicated by a different number of stars next to its name. You can take the quest on “****”, which is the maximum difficulty level, at the beginning of the game, but you're unlikely to be able to complete it if you don't try.
Combat in Enderal is different from Skyrim, although it is built on the same postulates: "stick and don't let yourself be plugged." The difference is in the active trainings, which act here instead of shouts, and have really interesting effects, and greatly affect the gameplay. For example, an archer skill that creates and equips three explosive arrows that explode on contact with an enemy, or an invisibility skill that can be learned right in the perk tree - without leveling the local school of illusion, and which has nothing to do with magic at all.
By the way, magic here is also modified and filled with completely new spells and mechanics of use, but this is a topic for a separate article.
Summing up everything I said above: Enderal: Forgotten Stories – this is a new unique experience for those who love spinners so much, but cannot go through them again and again in hundreds and thousands of events. Enderal will give you completely new experiences while not tearing you out of such familiar mechanics of combat and dialogue, movement and exploration. This is a definite must have for every fan of The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, and even for every fan of any quality RPG.
Finally, I want to add that after spending more than 130 hours in the game, I still haven't seen all the ins and outs of tak quests. And it's impressive, for which I am immensely grateful to Sure AI. By the way, the game is available on Steam absolutely free, all you need is to have a purchased copy of Skyrim Special Edition.
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