The beginning of the path:
Dark Souls 2 is the kind of game where you can feel like you're in real life: you're constantly looking for places to get a little more souls (in the game, of course) and trying not to fall into an abyss of despair… or just a pit, because someone forgot to put a warning sign.
At times, you may feel like the game wants to punish you more than teach you.
Sometimes you'll meet a boss who seems so invincible that you start to wonder if you should take up something a little more peaceful…like knitting.
What where and how:
The world map can be confusing, and you often feel like a tourist without a compass in a city where all the signs are written in an incomprehensible language. Or even wandering around with your eyes closed.
In Dark Souls 2, you will learn to appreciate every small victory. Like when you finally find that exit you've been looking for for the last three hours… and find it was the exit you came in from. Hi Majula.
Moments we love:
If you've ever wanted to feel like Sisyphus pushing a boulder up a mountain, Dark Souls 2 is your chance! Only instead of a stone you will have your own pride. And the covenant of champions.
The game reminds you that even in the virtual world you cannot avoid taxes. Here they are simply called "loss of souls on death" and they are just as unpleasant.
This game that teaches you to be humble. Every time you think you've gotten better, the game reminds you that there's a chick out there ready to destroy you. This is a game where you learn to let go… literally, when you let go of the gamepad in anger. But don't forget that each defeat is just one more step towards becoming a legend...or becoming an expert gamepad restorer.
Briefly as...
Yes, Dark Souls 2 can be incredibly challenging and even frustrating at times, but it's these challenges that make each victory incredibly rewarding. This is a game where your every success is the result of perseverance, endurance and the ability not to give up. And remember, no matter how many times you die, there is always an opportunity to try again. Isn't that what life is all about…or at least life in Dark Souls 2?
Play or casual?
The game will appeal to people who have patience and free time along with their nerve cells. I went through all the parts, but who is interested, the next review will be written by another person. Bye bye.
A mod for a better game
If you don't want to play this part only because of the graphics, then I can recommend an add-on that can be installed on the nexus, I used it myself, called Texture Overhaul.
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